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Alexis & Kevin – Engagement Pictures at REI and Downtown Denver

Nicole Nichols

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Engagement Photography in Denver, CO

Engagement Photography at REI in Denver, CO

I was supposed to have Alexis & Kevin over last night for their “Image Unveiling,” but a huge rain storm decided to get in the way & we lost all electricity.  As amazing as digital photography is, when there is no power, there are no pictures….well at least until the prints & books are made at least.   I think that is one reason why I love the actual prints so much, they don’t require a computer to look at, and will never become obsolete. So instead I had to sat in the dark, catching up with phone calls & Facebook until my phone died….crazy how much we rely on electricity.  My husband and I did sit outside as the sun set and placed bets on which of our solar powered yard lights got the most sun and would turn on next (I won)… only if my computer could run on solar energy!

Anyway, since I couldn’t show Alexis & Kevin their pictures last night I wanted to at least put up a picture preview for them on my blog.   This cute couple lived across the hall from each other in their college dorms.  It was great hearing how his family first met Alexis at his sister’s wedding.  I’m sure they didn’t expect years later to be planning their own wedding together. I loved Alexis & Kevin’s idea to take pictures around REI.  There are so many great spots for photos right outside along the Platte River, and the architecture of the REI building is really amazing.  Play  the picture slideshow below to see what I’m talking about. After REI we headed on a graffiti search.  My favorite graffiti wall of the Denver skyline was unfortunately covered by lots of cars, but we had no problem finding lots of other interesting & colorful graffiti in the neighborhood.  We also stopped by one of their favorite breweries, the Great Divide.  9am  was a tad too early for a beer, but it was a great spot to stop for some pictures.

Alexis & Kevin are big fans of the the great outdoors, and I’m excited to be heading up to the mountains with them in September to photograph their wedding at Breckendridge Lodge & Spa

Thankfully my power is back on today….now if the rain could just stay away for my photo shoot tonight.

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