Engagement Pictures on 16th St. Mall in Downtown Denver
I was lucky once again for moderate winter temperatures for Valerie & Timothy’s engagement session. OK, it was still cold, but stayed above 30 & no snow storms to trek through. We met by the Performing Arts Center, on 14th & Curtis St. in downtown Denver. I just recently discovered this little area when participating in a Bridal Soiree at Kevin Taylor’s Opera House. This area of downtown has amazing architecture, fun sculptures, & a bunch of funky spots for pictures. I couldn’t beleive I had never seen this part of downtown until recently. I suppose if my husband wasn’t so anti-theatre and would actually go to a play with me I would have discovered it long ago 😉 We also took some night time shots around 16th St. Mall & a couple of other various spaces around downtown. Thanks Val & Tim for leaving it up to me to pick a place for photos, I always get really excited to shoot around new places I find! This beautiful couple is getting married this summer at the Lower Lake Ranch in Pine, CO & having a reception at the Crystal Rose in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Play the slide show below to view more of their engagement pictures around Denver.
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