What goes better with an engagement shoot then grafitti & whiskey?!
For Diana & Matt’s photography filled date night we met on Colfax St. where they knew of a great grafitti wall near downtown that was full of characters from The Nightmare Before Elm Street, one of their favorite movies. Then it was off to Stranahan’s distillery for some whiskey shooting (photos not shots) fun! Diana & Matt discovered a love for Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey & thought it would be an interesting stop for their engagement shoot. It took me a lot of phone calls & emails to get permission to enter their warehouse and do the photo shoot, but I love a challenge and shooting in new places so I was more then happy to do it. I was surprised how similar the distillery was to the beer brewery where I did Emily & Andrew’s engagement session. They both use enourmous metal cylinders, wooden barrels, and of course a hold a huge supply of their goods which makes for some uniquely different pictures. For our last stop we tried to get to one of my favorite grafitti walls in Lodo, but unfortunately there was a baseball game at Coors Field so every parking lot nearby was packed to over capacity resulting in the graffiti to be completely covered by parked cars. So instead we drove away from the crowds till we found more graffiti & the sun went down. Diana & Matt are getting married later this summer at the Hudson Gardens.

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