Liz & Shaun are expecting a baby in just a few short weeks. For their pictures they chose Cheeseman Park near downtown Denver. They used to live near this park so they have a lot of memories from their days walking and exploring its grounds.

Unique Denver Maternity Pictures
The flowers were incredible on the morning of their maternity photo shoot. Everything was in full bloom, bright, colorful, and gorgeous. Shaun had mentioned that they had never seen the flower gardens this high and full in all the years they lived in the Cheeseman Park neighborhood. It must be all this crazy Colorado rain we’ve been getting this summer!

don’t ever forget the first time you felt a kick
Even though the sun got extremely bright and harsh while we were taking pictures, it did at least make for some really fun shadows.

fun with shadows

Cheeseman Park Maternity Pictures

Maternity Pictures in Cheeseman Park

embrace the moment
Shaun is also a Denver photographer so he is quite used to being behind the camera, but not in front of it! It cracked Liz up to see him get giddy and goofy in front of the camera. Shaun has been documenting Liz’s growing belly during the pregnancy, but he was very excited to get a chance to be in some of the pictures this time.

Fun Maternity Pictures

Denver Maternity Pictures

unique trees and colorful gardens

baby’s first photos & a beautiful belly along the CO landscape
Congratulations Liz & Shaun on your pregnancy. I can’t wait to hear if your baby is a boy or a girl…and I’m sure you can’t either!