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Fundraiser for the Coastal Region Affected by the Oil Spill

Nicole Nichols

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

If you’re in New Orleans you must check out the Burlesque for the Bayou fundraiser this Saturday night July 31st at the Howlin Wolf.  It looks to be a fun night, and what could be better then burlesque for a good cause?!

I, along with a few other artists & friends of CHSL, have donated art & goods to be sold in auction to help raise funds for the Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana.  Their latest project is to raise enough money to have the rain water tested – which the EPA has so far refused to test even after several requests.  The CHSL is determined to do it themselves through a lab in NY who will test rain water for vocs and chemicals related to the oil spill.  The following fine art photographs will be auctioned off at the fundraiser:

For those of you unable to go to New Orleans to participate I will be hosting an online auction as well.  The image below of Pensacola Beach, FL…which was and still is my favorite beach vacation spot, has had to deal with oily beaches, forcing beach closures and lots of dead sea life.   I will be auctioning this signed limited edition matted 8×10 print off to the highest bidder.  Bidding starts at $20…any takers???  If interested just leave a comment below with your bid & either e-mail or telephone number.



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