In celebration of the official start of Pridefest today I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from last year’s weekend celebration. I had the pleasure last year of photographing Sunday’s parade & festivities in downtown Denver for Just Q Me, the Quintessential Guide for the LGBT Community in Colorado. I had so many great pictures that I wanted to share some of my favorites and some new ones that did not make it on my blog last year.

2010 Denver, CO Pridefest
Pridefest is such a fun weekend in Denver. Civic Center Park and many other areas of downtown Denver is filled with artists, parties, fun people, and all kinds of amazing festivities. En Vogue even headlined the festival last year, I can’t wait to see what musicians I find this year! Pridefest is much more then celebrating gay culture, it’s a celebration of love, respect, art, fashion, and so much more! It is open to everyone, no matter your sexual orientation, age, race, or religion. If you have an open mind & like to have fun, you will truly enjoy this unique festival! Look for me out there on Sunday, I’ll probably be wearing my purple wig again!
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