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Lifestyle Baby Photographer – Cody’s 1st Birthday Pictures

Nicole Nichols

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Recently my nephew Cody turned one and luckily I was photographing a wedding in New Orleans that week so was able to document his birthday. My sister and her husband had just moved into their new home the previous week so with all the unpacking and cleaning there wasn’t any time to organize a big birthday party….but I don’t think Cody minded.  I spent about three hours with my camera around my neck to capture all the fun candid moments of the day. A lot can happen in three hours for a one year old. There’s cake to eat, a big brother and grandparents to play with, lots of toys, and the necessary nap with mom.

lifestyle baby pictures

lifestyle baby pictures

When I’m shooting “lifestyle portraits” I try not to set-up or pose too much and more so just capture the beauty and the memories of my subject’s real life. However, since life can be messy and hectic it does help to have some planning…and perhaps just a tad of re-arranging to enhance the picture. For instance, as smart as Cody is, he doesn’t know how to spell his name yet. So I did stack the wooden blocks to read his name.

1st birthday baby pictures

1st birthday baby pictures

There is nothing as cute, or as messy, as a baby eating cake.  The first time a baby tastes the sweet sugar of a birthday cake, it may take him a minute to be sure he likes it. But they always do, and they always want more!

I need more cake!

I need more cake!

I love this picture below of Cody playing with his older brother Caleb.

brothers playing

brothers playing

Cody was so close to walking on his birthday. But after just a couple of steps holding dad’s hand he would fall to the ground. And after all that hard work and lots of cake, it was time for a nap with mommy.

baby trying to walk for his birthday & nap with mom

baby trying to walk for his birthday & nap with mom

Play the slideshow below to view more of my lifestyle baby and family pictures taken for Cody’s first birthday in their new home in New Orleans.

[mbspremium slideshow=1]



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