Ms. J took the leap and did a boudoir session after cancer changed her whole life.
She knew that tomorrow isn’t promised and vowed to not let fear stop her from experiences that she wanted to have in her life. Knowing that you don’t have all the time in the world gave her the push she needed to enjoy a boudoir session. Take a look at the gorgeous images she let me share and read more about her experience below: (or scroll to the bottom to listen to it!)
Diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer at only 29
“I just had a baby and was breastfeeding and noticed a lump. At first my doctor wasn’t concerned & neither was I, we just thought it was a lactation issue. I had just started a new job and finally decided to go get it checked, about a month after the initial appointment. So I did, and sure enough they found cancer.
At 29yrs of age, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. I did 20 weeks of chemotherapy, had a double mastectomy and six weeks of radiation therapy as my primary treatment plan. I lost my hair and wore a wig for a few months while it grew back. Luckily, I had amazing people around me not only in my personal life, but also my colleagues and employer were extremely supportive. After several months, I had two reconstructive surgeries. It has been a long journey but is finally starting to come to a close almost 3.5 years later! It really was (and still is) a group effort with my husband, family, friends and coworkers supporting me.”

Did you ever think this could happen to you?
Not at all, especially at my age with no significant family history of cancer.
How did it make you feel to lose not only your breasts, but your hair as well?
It was certainly a bit of a mental battle to get over both issues, but hair grows back and I’m just thankful to be alive and well. I actually enjoyed my short hair! Part of why I wanted to do a boudoir shoot was to get over that mental hurdle now that I’m done with surgeries and see myself in a new light!
What other reasons led you to want to do this photo shoot? I wanted to embrace the new me. Life has changed me so much and I wanted to accept and love who I’ve become.
Why did you choose Nicole Nichols Photography for your photography? Having you as my wedding photographer 8 years ago helped me a lot, because I knew you and trusted you already. But seeing your work and your Facebook group helped me realize that boudoir wasn’t so risqué or taboo. Once I realized that it was a private experience and that there wasn’t a whole production team that I would have to strip down in front of, it set me at ease. Also, and this sounds silly, but the women in your portfolio don’t look terrified, so I felt like if they were comfortable, then I felt like I could do it, too.

How did you feel following the session?
Confident! And I tell all my friends about it. Like…I’ve forewarned them all that they’re going to see my butt!
What was your biggest fear or obstacle holding you back from doing a session?
Definitely my self image. After having cancer, surgeries, having a child, life happening, my body had changed. There was an element of wanting to have my “old self” back. But this gave me the opportunity to claim who I am now. It gave me the opportunity to embrace the new version of me.
What would you tell your best friend if they were considering a session?
I’ve already told them that they should do it! I have a couple of friends that are a bit more unsure about it, more conservative. I’ve told them that they don’t have to do EVERY thing – which is another reason I loved this experience. You didn’t make me feel pressured in any way. You never made me feel like my outfits choices weren’t skimpy enough or not risqué enough.
In my mind, there’s an assumption that you have to strip it all down. You made me realize that if I wanted to wear a big comfy sweater the whole time, I could do that. I didn’t have to conform to someone else’s idea of what sexy was.
Before doing a session with you, I didn’t think it was a super classy concept. I mean, I thought I would never do a boudoir session or take pictures without clothes on!
Now it’s your turn! Schedule a Phone Consult Now and let’s chat about creating an experience JUST for you!
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