Pictures of Highlands Ranch Mansion Grand Opening Celebration

Colorado's new wedding venue- The Highlands Ranch Mansion at sunset
The Highlands Ranch Mansion has been under renovation for months and is now officially open for weddings & special events! The Highlands Ranch Mansion is a 121 years old and was a private residence until 1980 but has been empty for over 30 years! This place is huge! It has a gorgeous bridal suite upstairs, a large dance floor, a beautiful backyard, and a few different lounge and foyer areas that can be used for various special event purposes. The former carriage house that was used to hold the horses, has been transformed into a ballroom and a wooden gazebo was added to the backyard to be used for wedding ceremonies overlooking acres of land. I am thrilled to have been chosen as 1 of only 3 photographers for their preferred vendor list, and can not wait to photograph my first wedding at the Highlands Ranch Mansion! Now that it is open it will certainly take its place amongst the top wedding venues in Colorado.

Catering by Design works quickly to get everything set up for the Grand Opening
On Friday June 1st I photographed the Mansion’s private Grand Opening celebration party. Members of the community, donors, and many other people who have been a part of the rebuilding campaign came out to tour the remodeled mansion, have a cocktail hour on the back lawn, and to enjoy dinner & dancing in the new ballroom. Play the slideshow below to view a preview of the party and this gorgeous Colorado wedding venue. [mbspremium slideshow=1]
There were so many wedding & event professionals that helped create this fabulous party, that I’m sure I am missing someone, but here are at least all the ones that are represented in my pictures.
o Event Planner: Events Unwrapped o Cake: Das Meyer o Caterer: Catering by Design o Champagne Saberer: Terry Renalde o Decor & Accessory Rentals: AllWell Rents, Chair Covers & Linens, & Splendor for Your Guests o Florists: Abloom, Bare Root Flora, Nature’s Palate Floral, & The White Orchid Florist o Horse & Carriages: Blue Moon Carriages o Harpist: Gale Brown o Strings Musicians and Raising Cain Band: 5 Star Talent & Entertainment o Videographer: Elevation Events o Wine: Cas Vinicola Zonin
#BareRootFlora #TheWhiteOrchidFlorist #beautiful #ChairCoversampLinens #DasMeyer #AlllWellRents #Denverspecialeventphotographer #HarpistGaleBrown #professional #Documentary #nicolenicholsphotography #NewWeddingVenue #funky #NewColoradoWeddingVenue #artistic #5StarTalentampEntertainment #COeventphotographer #picturesofHighlandsRanchMansion #ElevationEvents #photography #creative #BlueMoonCarriages #editorial #2012 #NaturesPalateFloral #modern #HighlandsRanchMansionGrandOpening #SplendorforYourGuests #besteventpictures #CO #fun #specialeventphotography #Abloom #unique #HighlandsRanchMansion #FineArt #bestphotography #Colorado