website & letterhead. For the past few years I was naively under the impression that as an artist I could design my own website, logo, etc…Well, I finally caved in and went with a professionally made flash website (for my wedding section, still working on the site for my fine art, portraiture, & other photo work). And I recently decided I also needed a professional designer to do a new logo to go with my new name. I changed my business name from Nicole Marie Photography to take on my newly married name – Nicole Nichols Photography, & wanted to start fresh with all new marketing & design materials. It was a fun process coming up with my new logo & I wanted to share the steps involved for those of you that may be curious. And thank you so much Lena at Your KLMN for helping me with my logo!

Need a graphic designer? Contact Lena Lena Saparov at www.yourKLMN.com